Sunday, November 2, 2014

Dropping Weight fairly quickly now!

The first 3 days of surgery yielded no weight loss.  I know this isn't a magic cure, but come on, i'm averaging 100 calories a day, surely I should be losing.  Well the plateau is over and let the losing begin.  Since my surgery, i've lost....8 lbs.  That's 2 lbs per day.  I couldn't believe the scale when i read it....could that be right?  I weigh in the mornings...and when I weighed a few moments ago, i had lost another 2 lbs.  I guess that happens when you have so much to lose.  Let me go check and see, because now I'm even doubting myself.  I'll take a pic this time to prove it.

First one comment about the state of my toenails ok? they are in desperate need of a pedi...

ok, I have Fred Flinstone feet...literally I could kick start a car with these things! Geeze....I swear i do have ankles though..even though you can't tell here!! Hahahahaha!!

I'm feeling pretty good! I've been cooking for the Hubbo and the baby and it hasn't bothered me at all.  I love to cook, so if anything it helps me by not removing me completely from the food. I can still enjoy preparing it atleast!! topic, but still relevant...there is such a thing as too much icing...i made a cake for the family and the top cake literally slipped off onto the counter.  Never have been much of a baker...guess i'll keep trying.

Bandito OUT!