Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Morning of Surgery and I'm Feeling FINE!! Right?

Good Morning, it is 4:30 am CST, we will be leaving her shortly to begin my next phase of my Bandito Adventure.  I received a call from one of my surgeon's nurses last night that Dr. Reilly had moved me to the first spot on the surgery list!! Im going to take this as a good thing!! Not sure of his reasons, but i'm going to look at it as perhaps I'm the least complicated of the day and why not get it over with quickly? Who knows...but being able to get out of there fast is what i'm appreciative of....well, after the post op etc etc...

Not feeling as jittery as yesterday, feeling hopeful.  I will make my husband finally take a before pic at the hospital and will post asap!

Down 14 lbs pre op.  Starting at 266 pre surgery weight, ideal weight is 130, I'm only 5'1" remember?

So it's average to lose 60% of your weight that you want to lose right? So if I'm an average lap bad patient, i will lose 81.6 lbs which would take me down to 184.4 lbs.  So I need to lose 54 more lbs than the average patient to meet my goal!! Think I can do it?  Stick around and see!!!

Bandito OUT!! Until the next episode.....(thank you Vanilla Ice).

1 comment:

  1. So exciting! Warm thoughts are with will rock this!
